Level 3
Andy and Benny were planning to run on a circular track with a circumference of 400 m. Both of them started jogging together at the same start point and moved round the track in a clockwise direction at uniform speeds. Andy completed a full round in 50 s. Benny completed a full round in 40 s.
  1. How long would it take for Benny to overtake Andy for the first time?
  2. How far was Benny ahead of Andy after 10 s?
4 m
Level 3
Shan and Ella started off at the same spot and ran at average speeds round a 3-km circular path. Shan took 15 minutes to complete each round. Ella completed each round in 20 minutes.
  1. How far ahead of Ella would Shan be after 1 minute? Express the answer in metres.
  2. How long would it take Shan to meet Ella for the first time?
  3. How many rounds would Shan have completed by then?
4 m
Level 3
A car-wash machine takes 16 h to wash 1 car. Washing the car by hand takes 14 h longer than the car-wash machine.
  1. Find the time taken to wash 1 car by hand.
  2. Find the total time taken to wash 3 cars by hand. Leave your answer in hours and minutes.
4 m
Level 3
There are 2 groups of workers in a factory. There are 5 more workers in the first group than the second group. Each worker in the first group makes 4 toys in a minute but each worker in the second group makes only 3 toys in a minute. Both groups make a total of 4140 toys in an hour.
  1. How many workers are there in the first group?
  2. How many workers are there in the second group?
4 m
Level 3
Daniel's age is 19 of his uncle's. His uncle will be 41 years old in 5 years' time. In how many years' time will Daniel's age be 37 of his uncle's?
4 m
Level 3
Chris runs 100 metres for 5 times. The average time taken for his first three runs is 14.5 seconds. He aims to have an average timing of 12.8 seconds for his five runs.
  1. What is the average time he needs to take for his 4th and 5th run in order to achieve his aim?
  2. If he runs 3 seconds faster in one of the five runs, what would be his average time for the five runs?
5 m
Level 3
At first, there were 410 more men than women at an exhibition. At lunch time, a total of 250 men and women left the exhibition. There were as many men as women who left the exhibition. In the end, there were 3 times as many men as women who remained behind. How many men were at the exhibition at first?
4 m
Level 3
Copier A prints at a rate of 105 leaflets in every 3 minutes and Copier B prints at a rate of 136 leaflets in every 4 minutes. At 2 p.m., both copiers started printing. After a while, Copier A stopped printing for some time as the ink cartridges were being changed before it continued to print again. Copier B continued printing during this time. At 4 p.m., the total number of leaflets printed during the past two hours was 7930. Express the number of leaflets printed by Copier A as a percentage of the total number of leaflets printed by both copiers. Round off the answer to 2 decimal places.
5 m
Level 3
Water flows into a tank through Tap A and flows out of the container through Tap B. The capacity of a tank is 40 litres. When only Tap A is turned on, the container is completely filled in 16 minutes. When only Tap B is turned on, it takes 13 hour for all the water to flow out. If both taps are turned on at the same time,
  1. How long does it take to fill 40% of the tank?
  2. How much water has flowed out through Tap B by the time the tank is 35 filled with water?
5 m
Level 3
To fill a tank measuring 50 cm by 20 cm by 40 cm completely, it takes Tap A 4 minutes while it takes Tap B only 12 minutes. How long will it take to completely fill the container with water if both the taps are turned on at the same time and 8 cubic containers of edges 10 cm, filled to the brim with water are poured into the tank?
5 m