Level 3
There are 3 laces of consecutive length. Given that the total length of these 3 laces is 186 cm, find the length of the shortest lace.
4 m
Level 3
Mrs. Goh had a sum of money. If she bought 3 bars of chocolates and 4 packets of sweets, she would have $5 left. If she bought 2 bars of chocolates and 10 packets of sweets, she would have $1 left. Given that she had $15, how many bars of chocolates could she buy at most?
4 m
Level 3
Halim had a sum of money. If he bought 6 egg tarts and 8 curry puffs, he would be short of $3. If he bought 4 egg tarts and 7 curry puffs, he would have $1 left. Given that he had $19, how many curry puffs could he buy at most?
4 m
Level 3
A group of 65 pupils decided to form groups of 4 in order to take part in a game.
  1. How many pupils were not involved in the game because they could not belong to a group?
  2. In order for everyone to participate in the game, the 65 pupils decided to increase the number of groups from the existing group arrangement. What is the minimum number of pupils in each group such that everyone would belong to a group?
4 m
Level 3
A student bought 257 pencils. She kept them in boxes in the drawer. If each box could only store a maximum of 6 pencils, what was the least number of boxes she would need?
4 m
Level 3
Ivan had 136 coins. He wanted to pack them into 7 bags equally. What was the smallest number of additional coins he would need if each bag was to contain the same number of coins?
4 m
Level 3
Nicola was given $40 to purchase cupcakes from Yummy Bakery. What was the most number of cupcakes that she could buy from the bakery with the amount of money she had?
4 m
Level 3
At a bookshop, books are sold at $5 for 1 book. For every 8 books a customer pays, an extra book will be given free.
  1. How much will Mrs Lim pay for 10 books?
  2. What is the most number of books Mr Hassan can get for $90?
4 m
Level 3
Ben wrote a number on a card. It has the digits 1, 2, 6 and 4. It is the smallest odd number between 1000 and 4000. What number is it?
4 m
Level 3
What is the smallest number that will leave a remainder of 6 when divided by 8?
4 m