Level 3
Kim, John and Zane started walking at the same time from the same starting point round a circular track. Zane walked in the clockwise direction. Kim and John walked in an anti-clockwise direction. Zane took 6 min to complete each round. He met Kim after every 2 minutes. He met John after every 5 minutes. The three friends keep to their respective speeds throughout their walk.
  1. How many rounds did Zane complete in 1 h?
  2. When Zane and Kim met again at the starting point after 1 h, John had completed 1.6 km. Find the circumference of the circular track in metres.
5 m
Level 3
Jonathan wants to purchase a new car which costs $134850. Jonathan will pay a monthly instalment over a period of 5 years after paying a downpayment of $12850. How much is each monthly instalment? Round your answer off to the nearest thousand.
4 m
Level 3
Brad went to the gym every 3 days. Clark went to the gym every 2 days. If they first met each other in the gym on a Monday, when would be the next time they meet each other again?
4 m
Level 3
Two lighthouses flash their lights every 36 seconds and 30 seconds. If they flash together at 8:10 p.m., at what time would the two lighthouses flash their lights together again?
4 m
Level 3
Paul has a bell that rings every 4 minutes. Lucy has a bell that rings every 7 minutes. The 2 bells ring together at 11 a.m. What time will the 2 bells ring together again?
4 m
Level 3
Tanya takes 6 minutes to jog 1 round on the track while Joel takes 9 minutes to jog 1 round. Both of them started jogging around the track in the same direction and at the same time. How long would it take for them to meet each other for the first time at the starting point?
4 m
Level 3
Daryl was trying to sleep one night but there was too much noise around him. His clock ticked every 10 seconds, a tap was dripping every 12 seconds and his dog snored every 15 seconds. He noticed on his clock that all 3 things happened together at 11 p.m.
  1. At what time would all 3 things happen together again?
  2. How many times would all 3 things happen together again from 11 p.m. to 12 midnight?
4 m
Level 3
There were 22 women, 19 men and 14 children onboard a bus. At the first bus-stop, 5 women, 2 men and 8 children alighted. At the same time, 25 children and 4 men boarded the bus. How many more adults than children were there in the bus after leaving the first bus-stop?
4 m
Level 3
Wendy was 9 years old last year. She was 26 years younger than her mother.
  1. How old will her mother be 5 years later?
  2. In how many years' time will Wendy's age be 13 of her mother's age?
4 m
Level 3
A frog leaps across 18 lily pads which are of the same distance apart. It takes the frog 6 seconds to get from the 1st lily pad to the 3rd lily pad. How long does it take for the frog to leap from the 6th lily pad to the 17th lily pad.
4 m