Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. 330 ÷ 11 = _______
  2. 630 ÷ 30= _______
  3. 600 ÷ 20 = _______
  4. 2200 ÷ 11 = _______
1 m
Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. 48 ÷ ______ = 6
  2. 84 ÷ ______ = 12
  3. 600 ÷ ______ = 6
  4. ______ x 4 = 36
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
Round off the numbers to nearest ten and find the closest estimate of 27.8 x 15.6?
1 m
Level 1 PSLE
Three containers with some water are shown. Which container has the least water and which container has the most?
2 m
Level 1 PSLE
Find the value of 108 x 60.
1 m