Level 3
The average cost of some books is $30.
When a book that costs $90 is added,
the average cost of the books becomes $40.
How many books are there in the end?
3 m
Level 3
The average cost of some books is $30.
When a book that costs $90 is removed,
the average cost of the books becomes $10.
How many books are there in the end?
3 m
Level 1
The table shows the operating hours of a clinic. How many hours does the clinic operate from Sunday to Thursday altogether? (Give your answer in h.)
2 m
Level 3
The average cost of some books is $30.
If 3 of the books are now each $15 more,
the average cost of the books becomes $35.
How many books are there altogether?
3 m
Level 2
The table shows the number of points Alfie scored in playing computer games. What is the average number of points he scored?
2 m
Level 3
The average cost of some books is $30.
If 3 of the books are now each $15 more and
2 of the books are now each $5 less,
the average cost of the books becomes $32.
How many books are there altogether?
3 m
Level 1
The table shows the number of participants in a triathlon in 2 recent years. What percentage of the participants this year are boys?
2 m
Level 3
The average cost of some books is $10.
After 2 new books are added,
it adds another $60 to the total cost.
As a result, the average cost of all the books increases to $20.
How many books are there at first?
3 m
Level 1
The table shows the number of each type of books in a class library. What percentage of the books in the class library were Mystery books?
2 m
Level 3
The average cost of some books is $30.
After 2 new books are added,
it adds another $10 to the total cost.
As a result, the average cost of all the books decreases to $20.
How many books are there at first?
3 m
Level 2
The table shows the survey results of the favourite fruits for some pupils. What is the percentage of pupils who chose the two most popular fruits?
2 m
Level 1
The table shows the number of Primary 1 boys participating in various sports for a school event. Each boy participates in only one sports. 310 of the total number of boys participate in __________. Give your answer in letter. (Eg a)
2 m
Level 2
Amin has a number of $2 and $5 notes in the ratio of 7: 4. The total value of all the notes is $306. How many $5 notes does Amin have?
2 m
Level 2
Liam and Tim share a bunch of chikoos in the ratio 5 : 3. If Liam gives Tim 23 chikoos from his share, they will have the same number of chikoos. How many chikoos does Liam have at first?
2 m
Level 3
The table shows the time taken by Harold to run 100 metres during his training sessions. After 5 attempts Harold wanted to improve his average time taken by 0.5 seconds by running faster in the 6th attempt. How fast should he run in the 6th attempt in order for him to make the improvement?
2 m
Level 3
The table shows the heights of Aishah, Deepa, and Ruyi. The average height of these children is 133 cm. The digit in the ones place of Aishah's height and the digit in the tens place of Ruyi's height are covered by ink blots.
  1. What is the digit in the ones place of Aisha's height?
  2. What is the digit in the tens place of Ruyi's height?
2 m
Level 2
The table shows the charges for renting a motorcycle in a city. How much will Jake have to pay if he needs to rent a motorcycle for 12 hours?
2 m
Level 2
The parking charges at a college carpark are as follows: Mr Tan parked his car from 11.15 a.m. to 6.45 p.m. on Monday. How much was his parking charges for that day?
2 m
Level 3
William had some coins. 40% of his coins were made up of 50-cent coins which was equal to the number of $1 coins. The rest of the coins were made up of 20-cent coins. Given that William had $16 more 50-cent coins than 20-cent coins, how many coins did William have altogether?
3 m
Level 2
The carpark charges of ABC Carpark are shown. Mr Tan parked his car at the carpark from 1.35 pm tp 5 pm. How much did he pay for his parking?
2 m