Level 3
Fill in the blanks.
Adam has 20% less stickers than Bryan and
Chris has 30% less stickers than Adam.

  1. Who is the repeated identity?
    Give the answer in number. (Eg Adam = 1; Bryan = 2; Chris = 3)
  2. Number of stickers that Chris has = _____ u
  3. Total number of stickers = _____ u
  4. Difference in the number of stickers between Bryan and Chris = _____ u
4 m
Level 2
Fill in the blanks.
60% of the boys are equal to 25% of the girls.

  1. Number of boys = _____ u
  2. Number of girls = _____ u
  3. Total number of boys and girls = _____ u
  4. Difference between the number of boys and girls = _____ u
4 m
Level 2
Fill in the blanks.
0.6 of the boys are equal to 14 of the girls.

  1. Number of boys = _____ u
  2. Number of girls = _____ u
  3. Total number of boys and girls = _____ u
  4. Difference between the number of boys and girls = _____ u
4 m
Level 1
Fill in the blanks.
Adam has some money.
The amount he spends is 25% of all his money.

  1. Amount that Adam spends = _____ u
  2. Amount that Adam has at first = _____ u
  3. Amount that Adam saves = _____ u
3 m
Level 1
Fill in the blanks.
Adam has some money.
The amount he spends is 25% as much as the amount he saves.

  1. Amount that Adam spends = _____ u
  2. Amount that Adam saves = _____ u
  3. Amount that Adam has at first = _____ u
3 m