Level 2
Ana and Tom started driving from the same place towards Cypress Tower at average speeds of 56 km/h and 80 km/h respectively. After some time, they were 80 km apart. How long had they been travelling? Give your answer in mixed number.
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
Elsa and Ana started jogging from the same place in opposite directions along a straight path. They jogged for 40 minutes. At the end of the jog, they were 7 km apart. Elsa's average speed was 6 km/h. What was Ana's average speed in km/h?
2 m
Level 2
Martin and Ervin started together from the same bus-stop and ran along a track at the speed of 11 km/h and 7 km/h respectively. How far apart would they be in 15 minutes? Express the answer in km.
2 m
Level 3 PSLE
When Lance started cycling from his home, Kenneth was 120 m ahead. Lance's cycling speed was 5 m/s and Kenneth's cycling speed was 2 m/s. They went in the same direction and did not change their speeds throughout. What distance would Lance have cycled when he caught up with Kenneth?
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
Faber and Elly started jogging at the same time from point A to point C along the route shown. Faber jogged 30 m/min faster than Elly. When Faber reached point C, he turned around at once to jog towards point A. He met Elly at point B . They did not change their speeds throughout. What was Elly's jogging speed in m/min?
2 m
Level 2
Tony drove a distance of 15 km in 10 minutes.
  1. What was his speed in km/h?
  2. How long will it take him to cover 360 km at this speed? Express the answer in hours.
3 m
Level 2
A van covers a distance of 45 km in 25 minutes.
  1. At what speed is it travelling?
  2. How long will it take to cover a distance of 36 km?
3 m
Level 3
Sam took 2 hours to walk from Building A to Building B which was 6 km away. On his way back from Building B to Building A, he increased his average walking speed by 1 km/h. How long did he take for his journey back?
3 m
Level 3
Jake walks to school at an average speed of 4 km/h every day. One day, after walking a distance of 1 km, he realised that his watch was slow. So, he ran at a constant speed and managed to reach his school just on time. Later, he calculated that if he had run at this speed right from the start of the journey, he would have reached his school 5 minutes earlier. What was his running speed?
3 m
Level 3
Ryan drove at an average speed of 70 km/h for the first 2 hours of the journey. He then increased his average speed by 15 km/h and drove for another 3 hours until he reached his town. Find his average speed for the whole journey.
3 m