Level 1
Adam spends 214 h reading a book on Monday.
He continues reading the book for 135 h on Tuesday.
He finishes reading the book on Wednesday.
He spends 512 h altogether reading the book.
How long does he spend reading the book on Wednesday?
2 m
Level 2
Find the following values without a calculator.
Which is smaller?
  1. 14 or 24
  2. 25 or 26
2 m
Level 1
Adam spends 3 15 h on shopping
and 1 34 h less on gardening.
How long does he spend on shopping and gardening?
2 m
Level 3
Give the answers in units (Eg 1 u) or unit equations (Eg 1 u + 2).
Adam has some money.
Adam spends 310 of his money on some stickers.
He spends 23 of his money on some marbles.
  1. Amount that Adam spends on the stickers = _____ u
  2. Amount that Adam spends on the marbles = _____ u
  3. Amount that Adam has in the end = _____ u
  4. Difference in the amount spent on the stickers and the marbles = _____ u
4 m
Level 2
Find the following values without a calculator.

Do not simplify the answer.
  1. 47 + 27 = _____
  2. 59 + 39 = _____
  3. 310 + 510 = _____
  4. 412 + 712 = _____
3 m