Level 1
Write 8 044 in words.
1 m
Level 1
Write fifty-eight in numerals.
1 m
Level 1
Write 30 tens, 4 tenths and 8 thousandths in numerals.
1 m
Level 1
Write in numerals.
Three hundred and seventy.
1 m
Level 1
Write the number 28 in words.
1 m
Level 1
Write in numerals.
Six thousand three hundred and two.
1 m
Level 1
What is the difference between 14 tens and 14 tenths?
1 m
Level 1
Count the number of shoes.
  1. Write in numerals.
  2. Write in words.
1 m
Level 1
How many dragonflies are there? Write in words.
1 m
Level 1
Count and write in words.
1 m