Level 1
Adam has 3 stickers.
Bryan has 2 more stickers than Adam.
How many stickers does Bryan have?

  1. Which model should we draw?
    (1) Model Part-whole
    (2) Model Comparison
  2. Is the total given?
    (1) Yes
    (2) No
  3. Who gets the shorter bar?
    (1) Adam
    (2) Bryan
  4. Number of stickers that B has =
4 m
Level 2
Look at the picture graph.
This graph shows the number of stamps that Bobo collects from 5 countries. He collects a total of 20 stamps.
  1. Bobo has _____ Singapore and India stamps.
  2. Bobo has _____ more China stamps than Malaysia stamps.
  3. Bobo has _____ Thailand stamps.
  4. Bobo has the greatest collection of _____ stamps. Give the answer in number. (Eg 1)
4 m
Level 1
Adam has 3 stickers.
Bryan has 2 less stickers than Adam.
How many stickers does Bryan have?

  1. Which model should we draw?
    (1) Model Part-whole
    (2) Model Comparison
  2. Is the total given?
    (1) Yes
    (2) No
  3. Who gets the shorter bar?
    (1) Adam
    (2) Bryan
  4. Number of stickers that B has =
4 m
Level 1
Adam and Bryan have 10 stickers.
Adam has 6 stickers.

  1. Who has more stickers?
    (1) Adam
    (2) Bryan
  2. How many more stickers?
2 m
Level 2
Look at the picture graph.
The graph shows the number of pies 3 boys ate in a week.
Give the answers in numbers. (Eg 1)
  1. _____ ate the most number of pies.
  2. _____ ate the least number of pies.
  3. Jim ate _____ fewer pies than Bryan.
  4. The three boys ate _____ pies altogether.
4 m