Level 2
The number of red and blue stickers are equal.
If Adam gives away 40 red stickers and 10 blue stickers,
the ratio of red stickers to blue stickers becomes 2 : 5.
How many stickers are there at first?
3 m
Level 3
Gem bought 7 novels of the same kind during a sale. Tina bought 3 of the same books. She also bought 3 postcards at $4.10 each. Altogether, she spent $3.10 more than Gem. What was the amount Tina spent?
3 m
Level 2
Nelly has $78 less than Sandy. Patrick has $59 more than the total amount that Nelly and Sandy have. If Patrick has $523 more than Nelly, how much money does Patrick have?
2 m
Level 3
Pierre had $77.70 more than Henry. After Henry had spent 23 of his money, Pierre had $114.50 more than Henry. How much money did Pierre have at first?
4 m
Level 2
After using 17 of her sugar, Mrs Lim bought another 75 kg of sugar. As a result, Mrs Lim now has 97 as much sugar as what she had at first. How many kilograms of sugar did Mrs Lim have at first?
3 m
Level 3
Janet had some pencils, erasers and rulers. The ratio of the number of pencils to the number of erasers was 5 : 1. After giving away 16 erasers, the ratio of the number of rulers to the number of erasers was 4 : 1. Janet bought another 184 rulers. As a result, there were an equal number of pencils and rulers. How many erasers did she have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Adam has some blue stickers and red stickers.
If 50 blue stickers are added, 70% of the stickers will be red stickers.
If 200 blue stickers are added, 40% of the stickers will be red stickers.
  1. How many blue stickers are there?
  2. How many red stickers are there?
4 m
Level 3
Adam has some blue stickers and red stickers.
If 50 blue stickers are removed, 40% of the stickers will be red stickers.
If 200 blue stickers are removed, 70% of the stickers will be red stickers.
  1. How many blue stickers are there?
  2. How many red stickers are there?
4 m
Level 3
Adam has some blue stickers and red stickers.
If 100 blue stickers are added, 40% of the stickers will be red stickers.
If 50 blue stickers are removed, 70% of the stickers will be red stickers.
  1. How many blue stickers are there?
  2. How many red stickers are there?
4 m
Level 3
The number of lava cakes on display at a cafe was 34 of the number of cupcakes on display. After 20 lava cakes were bought and the staff added another 30 cupcakes, the number of cupcakes was twice the number of lava cakes. The last group of customers bought 5 cupcakes each, finishing all the cupcakes on display. How many customers were there in the last group?
4 m