Level 3
Donna took 25 min to complete her Science assignment. She took 7 times as long to making her report presentation. Find the total amount of time she spent doing her Science assignment and making her report presentation. (Give the answer in hours and minutes.)
4 m
Level 3
Jake spent 1 h 30 min to trim and water the plants in his garden. He took twice as long to trim the plants than to water the plants. How long did he spend watering the plants?
4 m
Level 3
Mrs Lim is 42 years old and her son is 8 years old now. In how many years' time will Mrs Lim be twice as old as her son?
4 m
Level 3
Mother is 2 times as old as Juliet now. In 4 years' time, their total age will be 50 years old. How old is Juliet now?
4 m
Level 3 PSLE
Cindy had to sew 200 dresses. She sewed 8 dresses each day from Monday to Friday and 15 each day on Saturday and Sunday. Starting on a Friday, on which day of the week did Cindy finish sewing all the dresses? Give your answer in number. (Eg Mon = 1)
3 m
Level 3
At first, Randy had 160 more red beads than blue beads in a box. Each day, he took out 8 red beads and 5 blue beads from the box. After some time, he only had 20 blue beads left in the box.
  1. How many beads did Randy take out from the box altogether?
  2. How many beads did Randy have at first?
3 m
Level 3
Henry's freight forwarding company charges $17 for every mirror delivered on time and $10 for every mirror delivered late. In the month of August, Henry freight forwarding company collected $2200. For every 17 mirrors delivered, 15 were delivered on time and 2 were delivered late.
  1. What was the total number of mirrors delivered on time?
  2. How much less money did Henry freight forwarding company collect in August due to the late delivery of the mirrors?
4 m
Level 3
Oscar is 3 times as old as his brother. In 14 years' time, Oscar will be 10 years less than twice of his brother's age. How old was Oscar 2 years ago?
4 m
Level 3
There were a total of 88 questions in a Maths test. 10 marks were awarded for each correct answer and 2 marks were deducted for each incorrect answer or each incomplete answer. Betty could not complete all the questions in time and left the last 11 questions blank. She scored 472 marks. How many more correct answers than wrong answers did she answer?
4 m