Level 3
Jona took 2 h 45 min to drive from Town X to Town Y. She took another 1 h 35 min to drive to Town Z.
  1. How long did she take to drive from Town X to Town Z?
  2. How much longer did it take her to drive from Town X to Town Y, than from Town Y to Town Z?
4 m
Level 3
Ben is 17 yr 4 mth old. Gina is 7 yr 5 mth older than him. How old is Gina?
4 m
Level 3
Paul is 18 yr 2 mth old. Anna is 6 yr 5 mth younger than him. How old is Anna?
4 m
Level 3
John arrived at the computer room at 9.30 a.m. He did his first activity for 30 min and spent the rest of the time on the second activity. He left the computer room at 11.55 a.m. For how long did he spent working on the second activity in the computer room?
4 m
Level 3
A bakeshop opens every day for the time as shown. How long is the bakeshop open each day?
4 m