Level 3
Aloysius and Song Kai had a total of 174 cards at first. After Aloysius bought 23 more cards and Song Kai gave away 17 cards, Aloysius now has the same number of cards as Song Kai. How many cards did Aloysius have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Yesterday, Vaidev had 53 shortbreads and 37 croissants. This morning, he sold 25 shortbreads and bought some more croissants. Now he has thrice as many croissants as shortbreads. How many croissants did he buy today?
4 m
Level 3
Caden and Sean went shopping with the same amount of money. After Caden spent $100 and Sean spent $84, Sean had three times as much money left as Caden. How much money did each of them bring along for shopping?
4 m
Level 3
Cole and Tina shared some cards equally. After Tina bought 70 cards and Cole gave 117 cards away, they had 169 cards left. How many cards did each of them have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Rachel and Cindy had the same number of chocolate bars at first. After Rachel received another 37 chocolate bars and Cindy gave away 29 chocolate bars, Rachel had 4 times as many chocolate bars as Cindy. How many chocolate bars did each of them have at first?
4 m