Level 2
Adam is 10 years old. The total age of Adam and Bryan is 50 years. How many years' time will the ratio of Adam's age to Bryan's age be 1 : 3?
2 m
Level 2 PSLE
Lina and Juno folded paper cranes over two days. On Monday, Lina folded 13 paper cranes more than Juno. On Tuesday, Lina folded another 15 paper cranes and Juno folded another 8. At the end of the two days, Lina made 47 of the total number of cranes. What was the number of paper cranes that Juno folded?
2 m
Level 2
Adam has 30 blue stickers and 70 red stickers.
After giving away the same number of stickers,
the ratio of the blue stickers and the red stickers becomes 1 : 3.
How many stickers are given away?
2 m
Level 2
Adam has 30 blue stickers and 120 red stickers.
After buying the same number of stickers,
the ratio of the blue stickers and the red stickers becomes 1 : 3.
How many stickers does he buy?
2 m
Level 2
The ratio of the number of blue stickers to red stickers is 5 : 2.
After Adam gives away another 10 blue stickers and 10 red stickers,
the ratio of the number of blue stickers to red stickers is 3 : 1.
How many stickers does Adam have now?
3 m