Level 2
Adam's monthly income is $2000.
He spends 60% and
saves the rest.
How many months will he take to save $4800?
3 m
Level 2
Adam's monthly income is $2000.
He spends 60% and
gives 10% to his wife
and saves the rest.
How many months will he take to save $4800?
3 m
Level 1
Adam has 200 red stickers and blue stickers.
40% of the stickers are blue.
  1. How many red stickers are there?
  2. How many less blue stickers than red stickers?
2 m
Level 2
Adam has 200 red stickers, blue stickers and green stickers.
40% of the stickers are blue.
There are 10 more red stickers than green stickers.
  1. How many green stickers are there?
  2. How many less red stickers than blue stickers?
2 m
Level 3
Adam has 200 red stickers, blue stickers, yellow stickers and green stickers.
20% of the stickers are red.
40% of the stickers are blue.
The rest are yellow and green stickers.
There are 10 more yellow stickers than green stickers.
  1. How many green stickers are there?
  2. How many less red stickers than blue stickers?
2 m