Level 2
1 jug = 3 ℓ
1 pail = 12 ℓ

How many jugs of water are needed to fill up the pail?
2 m
Level 2
A pitcher can hold 2 ℓ of water. Peter needs 5 pitchers of water to fill a pail completely. How many ℓ of water does he need to fill two pails completely?
2 m
Level 3
There is a total of 28 ℓ of water and oil in the container. What is the volume of oil in the container?
4 m
Level 2
Beaker A had 3 ℓ of water at first. Andy poured some water from beaker B to A until beaker A is filled with 5 ℓ of water. There were 4 ℓ of water left in beaker B. How many litres of water were there in beaker B at first?
3 m
Level 3
Vinz bought 60 ℓ of paint. He used 30 ℓ to paint the bedroom and 15 ℓ to paint the kitchen. How many litres of paint had he left?
3 m