Level 3
The ratio of Yvette's money to Linda's money was 1 : 3. After Yvette spent thrice as much as Linda, Yvette and Linda had $6 and $42 left respectively. Find the amount of money each of the girls have at first.
  1. Yvette
  2. Linda
5 m
Level 3
Jeremy has a crate containing some red and green grapes. If he adds in 10 bunches of red grapes, 0.6 of the bunches of grapes in the carton will be green grapes. If he adds in 30 bunches of green grapes, 34 of the bunches of grapes in the carton will be green grapes. How many bunches of grapes are there in crate?
5 m
Level 3
The average number of playing cards Brendon and Ricky had was 450. The average number of playing cards Brendon and Jonas had was 240. If the ratio of Ricky's playing cards to Jonas's playing cards was 5 : 2, find the number of playing cards Brendon had.
4 m
Level 3
A box containing 60 folders had a mass of 5.01 kg. A box containing 25 post-it-pads has a mass of 6.21 kg. The mass of each post-it-pad was thrice that of each folder. Find the mass of the empty box in grams.
4 m
Level 3
Marion had some red and pink marbles. If she gives away 16 red marbles, the number of red marbles will be 10% of the total number of marbles left. If she gives away 48 pink marbles, the number of red marbles will be 25% of the total number of marbles left.
  1. How many marbles does Marion have altogether?
  2. What fraction of Marion's marbles is pink?
4 m