Level 3
The average amount of money collected by a group of students at a flag day event was $125. When another 15 students turned up to help, the total amount donated increased by $1275 and the average amount of money collected became $113. How many students were there in the group at first?
3 m
Level 3
The average test score of a group of pupils was 57 marks. After 4 pupils who scored an average of 69 marks joined the group, the average score of all the pupils became 61 marks. How many pupils were there in the group at first?
3 m
Level 3
The average test score of a group of students was 71 marks. After five students who scored an average of 79 marks left the group, the average score of the group became 69 marks. How many students were there at first?
3 m
Level 3
Lizzy bought some souvenirs for her friends at an average price of $12.50. If Lizzy decided to buy a pen which cost $16 for her father and a bag which cost $35 for her mother, the average price of the souvenirs would become $15.75. How many souvenirs did Lizzy buy for her friends?
3 m
Level 3
The average length of 5 pieces of ribbon was 120 cm. When 2 pieces of ribbons were used, the average length of the remaining pieces of ribbons became 114 cm. What was the average length of the 2 pieces of ribbons used?
4 m
Level 3
40 children in a class sold an average of 19 artworks for charity. There were 8 more boys than girls in the class. The average number of artworks sold by the boys was 15. Find the average number of artworks sold by the girls.
4 m
Level 3
On 1 May to 4 May, an average of 50 waffles were sold and from 5 May to 9 May, an average of 24 waffles were sold. $240 worth of waffles were sold from 10 May to 20 May. Given that a waffle was sold for $2, find the average number of waffles sold from 1 May to 20 May.
4 m
Level 3
56 students from Class K and Class L took a Mathematics test. The average marks of the students was 77 marks. The average marks of the students in Class K was 82 marks and the average marks of the students in Class L was 74 marks. How many students were there in Class K?
4 m