Level 3 PSLE
Sherry and Cindy started cycling at the same time along a 4.5 km track. Both did not change their speeds from start to finish. Sherry cycled at 375 m/min. When she reached the end of the track, Cindy was 720 m behind her. What was Cindy's cycling speed in m/min?
3 m
Level 3
Ron jogged while Bella walked from the same place but in opposite directions along a straight road. After 5 hours, they were 30 km apart. Ron's average speed was 1.2 km/h faster than Bella's average speed. What was Bella's average walking speed in km/h? Express the answer in decimal.
3 m
Level 3
Allan and Maine were in a roller skating race. Allan was travelling at a constant speed of 20 km/h and they both did not change their speed. When Maine completed half of her race, Allan was 3.5 km ahead. Allan completed the race at 10.45 a.m. What time did Maine complete the race?
3 m
Level 3 PSLE
Peter and John started jogging at the same time along the route shown. Both did not change their speed throughout. After 45 min, Peter was at the halfway point and John was 450 m behind. Peter reached the end point 4 min before John. What was the distance of the route? Express the answer in m.
3 m
Level 3
Fay cycled from View Hill at 09 56 toward Sand Garden while Joy cycled from Sand Garden toward View Hill at the same time. At 10 06, the two cyclists passed each other. 7 minutes later, Fay reached Sand Garden but Joy was 1155 m from View Hill.
  1. At what speed were the two cyclists approaching each other?
  2. Find the distance between Sand Garden and View Hill Park in km.
3 m