Level 2
The average of two numbers is 40. If one number is thrice of the other, find the bigger number.
2 m
Level 2
The average number of cookies in Box A, Box B and Box C is 37. Box A has 33 cookies. The number of cookies in Box B is twice the number of cookies in Box C. What is the number of cookies in Box C?
2 m
Level 2
The average height of a persimmon tree, a mango tree and a coconut tree is 2.8 m. The coconut tree is twice as tall as the mango tree and 1.6 m taller than the persimmon tree. Find the average height of the persimmon tree and the mango tree.
2 m
Level 2
Natalie, Emily, Henry and Aaron have an average of $50. The total amount Natalie and Emily have is $36 more than the total amount Henry and Aaron have. Natalie has $35. How much does Emily have?
2 m
Level 2
Ethan buys a jumpsuit, a blouse and a dress. The average cost of these items is $82. The cost of the dress is four times the total cost of the jumpsuit and the blouse. If the jumpsuit costs $14, find the difference in cost between the blouse and the dress.
2 m
Level 2
Leah spent $17.35 at the stationery shop. Jenna spent 6 times as much as Leah. How much more did Jenna spend than Leah?
2 m
Level 2
The capacity of a jug is twice the amount of apple juice in it. The apple juice is emptied and poured into 5 identical cups. The cups were fully filled to its brim and the capacity of each cup is 250 mℓ. Find the capacity of the jug in mℓ.
2 m
Level 2
The figure is made up of straight lines. Given that ∠a is twice that of ∠b, find
  1. ∠a
  2. ∠b
  3. ∠c
2 m
Level 2
The breadth of a rectangle is 38 m. Its length is twice as long as its breadth. What is the area of the rectangle?
2 m
Level 3
At the school's recent donation drive, for every $1 donated by a child, an adult donated twice the amount. There were 5 times as many children as adults who were at the event. There were 23 times as many girls as boys at the event. Given that a total amount of $1470 was collected during the event, how many girls were at the event?
4 m