Level 2
The sum of three fractions is 635. The first fraction is 56 and is 356 less than the second fraction. What is the third fraction?
4 m
Level 2
Stephanie had some flour in a container. She used 214 kg of the flour in the morning. She added 3 kg of flour into the same container in the afternoon. There was 318 kg of flour in the container in the end. How much flour did Stephanie have at first? Express your answer in its simplest form.
4 m
Level 2
Mary bought 4 13 kg of beef and 1 14 kg less mutton than beef.
  1. How many kilograms of mutton did she buy?
  2. How many kilograms of meat did she buy altogether?
4 m
Level 2
The total mass of Arun and Siva is 8714 kg. Arun weighs 3425 kg.
  1. What is Siva's mass?
  2. How much heavier than Arun is Siva?
4 m
Level 2
Siti had 3 m of cloth. She used 34 m of the cloth to make a bag and 712 m of the cloth to make a pillow.
  1. How much cloth did she use to make the bag and the pillow? (Give your answer in its simplest form)
  2. What was the length of the cloth that Siti had left?
4 m