Level 3
In a container, there are candies of 3 colours, yellow, white and purple. There are 108 more white candies than purple candies. The number of purple candies is 12 more than the yellow candies. Given that the number of purple candies is 24% of the total number of candies in the container, how many more white candies are there than yellow candies?
4 m
Level 3
The petrol tank of Fred's convertible was 80% empty. He went to the petrol kiosk and topped up 25ℓ of petrol. When he reached the theme park, the petrol tank was 90% full. Given that he used 4ℓ of fuel to get to the theme park from the kiosk, find the capacity of the petrol tank.
3 m
Level 3
Ethan was fixing a jigsaw puzzle. On the second day, the number of pieces he fixed was 50% of the total number of pieces. After another two weeks, he fixed another 148 pieces and was left with 30% of the puzzle unfixed. How many pieces were left unfixed?
3 m
Level 2
In the figure, the ratio of the area of Circle X to Circle Y to Circle Z is 2 : 3 : 9. If 13 of X is shaded, what is the ratio of the shaded part to the unshaded part to the total figure?
2 m
Level 3
The ratio of saloon cars to the total number of cars on display in Ken's car shop was 2 : 7. 25 of the remaining bikes on display were family cars and the rest were electric cars and sports cars in the ratio of 10 : 3. If there were 16 more electric cars than saloon cars, how many sports cars were there?
4 m