Level 3
Building A and Building B were 360 km apart. A car travelled from Building A towards Building B. At the same time, a bus started from Building B to Building A. After travelling 112 hours, the two vehicles were still 144 km apart. If the ratio of the average speed of the bus to that of the car was 4 : 5, find
  1. the average speed of the bus.
  2. the time taken for them to meet. travelling the rest of the journey
4 m
Level 3
Kenny and Jerry started on a 50-km cycling trip at the same time. They cycled at the same speed for first 10 km. For the remaining 40 km, Kenny cycled faster than Jerry. He arrived at the finishing point 40 minutes before Jerry who was 10 km behind him. Jerry did not change his speed throughout and completed it at 11 30.
  1. At what time did the trip begin? Give the answer in 12-hour format.
  2. What was Kenny's average speed for the remaining 40 km of the trip in km/h?
4 m
Level 3
Water flows into a tank through Tap A and flows out of the container through Tap B. The capacity of a tank is 40 litres. When only Tap A is turned on, the container is completely filled in 16 minutes. When only Tap B is turned on, it takes 13 hour for all the water to flow out. If both taps are turned on at the same time,
  1. How long does it take to fill 40% of the tank?
  2. How much water has flowed out through Tap B by the time the tank is 35 filled with water?
5 m
Level 3
To fill a tank measuring 50 cm by 20 cm by 40 cm completely, it takes Tap A 4 minutes while it takes Tap B only 12 minutes. How long will it take to completely fill the container with water if both the taps are turned on at the same time and 8 cubic containers of edges 10 cm, filled to the brim with water are poured into the tank?
5 m
Level 3
The figure shows 2 tanks, Tank X and Tank Y. Tank X is completely empty while Tank Y is filled with water to the brim. Water from Tap A flows in at a rate of 1.2 litres per minute while water drains from Tap B at a rate of 0.72 litres per minute. Both taps are turned on at the same time. After some time, the heights of the water level in both tanks became the same.
  1. Find the time taken for the heights of the water level to be the same in both tanks.
  2. Find the height of the water level at that point of time.
5 m