Level 3
Anna and Jenny had the same number of stickers. After Anna had given away 65 stickers, Jenny had 6 times as many stickers as Anna. How many stickers did each of them have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Emily collected 4 times as many coins as Tim. After Tim collected another 135 coins, both of them had an equal number of old coins. How many coins did Emily collect?
4 m
Level 3
Steven and Ting Ting shared 400 cubes equally. After Steven gave away some cubes, Ting Ting has 8 times as many cubes as Steven. How many cubes did Steven give away?
4 m
Level 2
Amy had $40 less than Bianca. Bianca gave some money to Amy. In the end, Amy and Bianca had the same amount of money. How much money did Bianca give to Amy?
4 m
Level 2
Eva had $70 more than Lucy. Lucy gave some money to Eva. In the end, Eva and Lucy had the same amount of money. How much money did Lucy give to Eva?
4 m