Level 2 PSLE
The figure shows a right-angled triangle, ABC, drawn on a grid.
  1. ABD is a right-angled triangle with the same area as triangle ABC. Identify point D on the grid.
  2. ADE is an equilateral triangle. Identify point E on the grid such that it does not overlap with triangle ABC.
  3. Find the ratio of the area of triangle ABC to the area of triangle ADE.
3 m
Level 3
The figure, not drawn to scale, is made up of a triangle QRS, an equilateral triangle KLM and a trapezium NPRS. ∠SRP = 117°, ∠RPN = 63° and ∠PNS = 55°. Find the sum of ∠a, ∠b, and ∠c.
3 m
Level 3
The figure, not drawn to scale, is made up of an equilateral triangle KLM and a trapezium ABCD. Find the sum of ∠x, ∠y and ∠z
3 m
Level 3
MNO and NOP are two identical equilateral triangles. MN = NY and PO = OZ.  Given that MP = 42 cm and YZ = 72 cm, find the total unshaded areas.
3 m
Level 3
Three planks of different lengths, X,Y and Z are nailed together to make a frame as shown. Plank X has 3 holes which divide it into 4 equal parts. Plank Y has 4 holes which divide it into 5 equal parts and Plank Z has 5 holes which divide it into 6 equal parts. In the frame, the holes A, B and C are three corners of an equilateral triangle. Plank X is 120 cm long. What is the total length of Plank X, Plank Y and Plank Z?
3 m