Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. 2 kg = _____ g
  2. 3.4 kg = _____ g
  3. ______ g = 7.5 kg
  4. ______ kg = 2000 g
2 m
Level 1 PSLE
5000 mℓ of water was poured into 2 containers equally. How many litres of water were there in one container?
2 m
Level 1
Find the following values without a calculator.
  1. 2 ℓ = _______ mℓ
  2. 2.3 ℓ = _______ mℓ
  3. 1230 mℓ = _______ ℓ
  4. 1240 mℓ = ______ cm3
    2 m
    Level 1
    Find the following values without a calculator.
    1. 1007 mℓ = 1 ℓ _____ mℓ
    2. 2067 mℓ = 2 ℓ _____ mℓ
    3. 1 ℓ 3 mℓ = _____ ℓ
    4. 12 ℓ 45 mℓ = _____ mℓ
    2 m
    Level 1
    Find the following values without a calculator.
    1. $3 = ______ ¢
    2. 140 ¢ = $_____
    3. $3.20 = ______ ¢
    4. $3 ÷ 5 = ______ ¢
      2 m