Level 1
The height of a tree is about 100 m when rounded off to the nearest ten. What is the lowest possible height of the tree?
2 m
Level 1
The height of Mount Everest is about 9000 m when rounded off to the nearest thousand. What is the highest possible height of Mount Everest?
2 m
Level 1
Sock Hoon had about $280 after rounding off the money to the nearest ten. She spent $79. What was the smallest possible amount of money she had left?
2 m
Level 1
The amount of money Tom has is about $800 when rounded off to the nearest $100. What is the greatest possible amount of money that Tom has?
2 m
Level 2
Using the digits, arrange and form the largest 5-digit even number.
7, 9, 0, 6, 2.
2 m
Level 2
What is the difference between the smallest 4-digit odd number and the greatest 3-digit even number?
2 m
Level 2
A number when rounded off to the nearest ten gives a value of 24350.
  1. What is the smallest possible number?
  2. What is the largest possible number?
2 m
Level 3
The table shows the types of cards collected by 4 boys.
  1. Carl and Fred collected the same number of cards. How many foreign cards did Fred collect?
  2. Who collected the most number of cards?
4 m
Level 2
The number of chairs in the hall is 1500 when rounded off to the nearest hundred.
  1. What is the greatest possible number of chairs in the hall?
  2. What is the smallest possible number of chairs in the hall?
2 m
Level 1
Write the greatest whole number in each blank to make each number statement true.
  1. 7 + ___ is less than 35.
  2. ___ - 9 is less than 40.
2 m