Level 2
Which is the most amount of money?
  1. $1.05
  2. $1.50
  3. $5.10
  4. $0.15
2 m
Level 2
Write the amounts in figures.
  1. Five cents
  2. Two dollars
  3. Two dollars and ten cents
3 m
Level 2
Find the answers.
  1. 20¢ + 50¢
  2. 65¢ + 45¢
  3. $18 + $45
3 m
Level 2
Find the answers.
  1. 80¢ - 20¢
  2. 80¢ - 35¢
  3. $90 - $27
3 m
Level 3
Peter has 90¢. He buys a whistle for 5¢ and a lollipop for 20¢. How much money does he have left?
4 m