Level 3
The length of ribbon A and ribbon B is 30.55 m. The total length of ribbon B, C and D is 58.93 m. The length of ribbons C, D and E is 64.53 m. Ribbon E is twice the length of ribbon A. Find the length of ribbon A. Give the answer in metres.
4 m
Level 3
A box containing 60 folders had a mass of 5.01 kg. A box containing 25 post-it-pads has a mass of 6.21 kg. The mass of each post-it-pad was thrice that of each folder. Find the mass of the empty box in grams.
4 m
Level 3
Marion had some red and pink marbles. If she gives away 16 red marbles, the number of red marbles will be 10% of the total number of marbles left. If she gives away 48 pink marbles, the number of red marbles will be 25% of the total number of marbles left.
  1. How many marbles does Marion have altogether?
  2. What fraction of Marion's marbles is pink?
4 m
Level 3
When an ice box is packed with 25 identical bottles of soda, it has a mass of 18.4 kg. When the ice box is packed with 30 identical packets of milo, it has a mass of 7.5 kg. A bottle of soda weighs 470 g more than a packet of milo. What is the mass of the empty ice box in kg?
4 m
Level 3
On Tuesday, Will read 37 of a novel. On Wednesday, he read 12 pages of the novel. On Thursday, he read 47 of the remaining book leaving 36 pages unread.
  1. Find the number of pages read on Thursday.
  2. Find the total number of pages in the novel.
4 m
Level 3
Kylie had some shortbreads. She sold 34 of the shortbreads. She ate 13 of the remainder and an additional 4 more. She had 44 shortbreads left in the end. How many shortbreads did Kylie have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Reggie had some money. He spent 14 of his money and an additional $33 on books. He spent 56 of the remainder and an additional $11 on food. He had $14 left. How much money did he have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Penelope spent 18 of her money and an additional $21 on a sweater. She spent $9 less than 38 of the remainder on a shirt. She then spent $1 less than 12 of what was left on 4 pairs of jeans. She had $23 left in the end. How much did she spend altogether?
4 m
Level 3
Helen spent $12 on a shirt. She spent 15 of her remaining money on a blouse and a blazer, after which half her money was left.
  1. What fraction of her money did she spend on the shirt?
  2. The cost of the blazer is 13 the cost of the blouse. How much more does the blouse cost than the blazer?
4 m
Level 3
Erika spent 38 of her money on 6 notebooks and 10 post-it pads. The cost of one post-it pad was thrice the cost of one notebook. She bought some more post-it pads with 14 of her remaining money. How many post-it pads did Erika buy altogether?
4 m