Level 3
The table shows the time taken by some men to complete the night marathon. William completed the race in 56 of the time taken by Stephen. If Nicholas reached the finishing line at 01 45, what time did William cross the finishing line? Leave your answer in 24-hour clock.
3 m
Level 2
In the figure, a fish tank measuring 42 cm by 25 cm by 28 cm was filled with water to its brim. Then, 10.08 ℓ of water was removed from the fish tank. Find the volume of water left in the tank. Express your answer in ℓ.
3 m
Level 3
The figure not drawn to scale shows a cubical tank which is 37 filled with water.
  1. What is the volume of water needed to fill up the tank to the brim?
  2. Water is added to the tank at a rate of 12 litres per minute. At this rate, how long will it take to fill the tank completely? Give your answer in this format. (Eg 1 h 20 min)
4 m
Level 3
Tank L is a cubical container of edge 28 cm. It is completely filled with water. Tank M is a rectangular tank measuring 54 cm by 24 cm by 25 cm. It is filled with water flowing from a tap at a rate of 1.3 ℓ per minute. 5 minutes later, the tap is turned off.
  1. Find the volume of water in Tank M after 5 minutes. Give your answer in litres.
  2. All the water in Tank L is then poured into Tank M without spilling. How much more water is needed to fill Tank M completely? Give your answer in litres.
4 m
Level 3 PSLE
When Jen started jogging from her home, Lynn was 1.3 km ahead. Jen jogged at 8 km/h and Lynn jogged at 6 km/h. They went in the same direction and did not change their speeds throughout.
  1. How far did Jen jog in 45 minutes?
  2. Who was ahead after 45 minutes? How far apart were they? Give your answers in this format. (Eg Ben, 1.2 km)
3 m