Level 3
Aunt Susie is now 3 times as old as Tanya. 8 years ago, Aunt was 5 times as old as Tanya. How old will Aunt Susie be 4 years from now?
4 m
Level 3
At first, Thomas had twice as many sweets as Xavier. After they each gave away 12 sweets, Thomas had 4 times as many sweets as Xavier. How many sweets did they have altogether at first?
4 m
Level 3
At first, Xavier had 12 sweets and Thomas had 4 times as many sweets as Xavier. After they each received an equal number of sweets from their teacher, Thomas had thrice as many sweets as Xavier. How many sweets did their teacher give to both of them altogether?
4 m
Level 3
Jeryl celebrates his birthday today. 12 years ago, he was thrice as old as his daughter while his wife was 24 years older than her. If his wife is 51 years old this year, how old was Jeryl last year?
4 m
Level 3
Carmen had $160 more than Dawn. After each of them bought an identical bag from a shop. Carmen was left with 5 times as much money as Dawn. Given that Carmen had $350 at first, how much did each bag cost?
4 m
Level 3
Gordon had $108 more than Henry. Every day, Gordon and Henry would spend an equal amount of money. After 4 days, Gordon was left with 3 times as much money as Henry. Given that Gordon had $194 at first, how much did each of them spend every day?
4 m
Level 3
Jack had $280 and Carl had $120 at first. Each of them bought an identical belt and an identical shirt from the same shop. The shirt cost 3 times as much as the belt. In the end, Jack had 3 times as much money as Carl. What was the cost of the belt?
4 m
Level 2
There were 1168 more red marbles than green marbles in a box. Another 376 red marbles and 572 green marbles were put into the box. How many more red marbles than green marbles were there in the box?
4 m
Level 3
Aloysius and Song Kai had a total of 174 cards at first. After Aloysius bought 23 more cards and Song Kai gave away 17 cards, Aloysius now has the same number of cards as Song Kai. How many cards did Aloysius have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Yesterday, Vaidev had 53 shortbreads and 37 croissants. This morning, he sold 25 shortbreads and bought some more croissants. Now he has thrice as many croissants as shortbreads. How many croissants did he buy today?
4 m