Level 3
Adam has some blue stickers and red stickers.
The number of blue stickers is decreased by 20% to 160.
The number of red stickers is decreased by 30% to 70.
  1. How many stickers are there at first?
  2. How many stickers are there in the end?
3 m
Level 3
Tank A was 15 filled with water. After 15000 cm3 of water was added to Tank A, it became 710 full.
  1. Find the volume of Tank A in litres.
  2. Find the volume of water in Tank A in the end. Give your answer in litres.
3 m
Level 3
Adam has some blue stickers and red stickers.
The number of blue stickers is increased by 20% to 60.
The number of red stickers is decreased by 30% to 70.
  1. How many stickers are there at first?
  2. How many stickers are there in the end?
3 m
Level 3
Daniel had to solve some Science questions during a 3-week school holidays. At the end of the first week, the ratio of the number of questions solved to the number of questions unsolved was 3 : 7. At the end of the second week, Daniel solved another 36 questions and the number of unsolved questions became 14 of the total number of questions. How many questions did Daniel need to solve on the third week to complete his assignment?
4 m
Level 2
6 similar tables with a length of 50 cm each, are placed from one end to the other end of a corridor at an equal distance apart, as shown in the figure. The total length of the corridor is 900 cm. What is the spacing between each table?
2 m