Level 3
23 of Sean's savings comprised of 20-cent coins and 50-cent coins. Sean used some 20-cent coins to purchase a toy. The number of 50-cent coins left was 50% more than the number of 20-cent coins left. Given that Sean had 100 more 50-cent coins than 20-cent coins left in the end, find the amount of money Sean spent on the toy.
4 m
Level 3
Adam has some blue stickers and red stickers.
The number of blue stickers is increased by 20% to 60.
The number of red stickers is increased by 30% to 65.
  1. How many stickers are there at first?
  2. How many stickers are there in the end?
3 m
Level 3
Adam has some blue stickers and red stickers.
The number of blue stickers is decreased by 20% to 160.
The number of red stickers is decreased by 30% to 70.
  1. How many stickers are there at first?
  2. How many stickers are there in the end?
3 m
Level 3
Adam has some blue stickers and red stickers.
The number of blue stickers is increased by 20% to 60.
The number of red stickers is decreased by 30% to 70.
  1. How many stickers are there at first?
  2. How many stickers are there in the end?
3 m
Level 3
If Adam's income is increased by 50% and
Bryan's amount is decreased by 30%,
both will get $2100 each.
  1. How much is Adam's income?
  2. How much is Bryan's income?
  3. What is the difference between Adam's income and Bryan's income?
3 m