Level 2
Adam has 30 stickers at first.
Adam gives B some.
Now, Adam has 10 stickers.
How many stickers does Adam give to B?

  1. Which model should we draw?
    (1) Model Part-whole
    (2) Model Comparison
  2. Is the total given?
    (1) Yes
    (2) No
  3. Who gets the shorter bar?
    (1) At first
    (2) Bryan gives him/li>
  4. Number of stickers that Adam gives to B =
4 m
Level 1
There are some children.
There are 500 boys.
The number of boys are 300 less than the number of girls.
How many children are there altogether?
2 m
Level 1
Adam has 8 stickers.
Bryan has 2 stickers.
How many less stickers does Bryan have than Adam?

  1. Which model should we draw?
    (1) Model Part-whole
    (2) Model Comparison
  2. Is the total given?
    (1) Yes
    (2) No
  3. Who gets the shorter bar?
    (1) Adam
    (2) Bryan
  4. Number of stickers that Bryan has less than Adam =
4 m
Level 1
Adam has 800 stickers.
Bryan has 200 stickers.
How many less stickers does Bryan have than Adam?

  1. Which model should we draw?
    (1) Model Part-whole
    (2) Model Comparison
  2. Is the total given?
    (1) Yes
    (2) No
  3. Who gets the shorter bar?
    (1) Adam
    (2) Bryan
  4. What is the total number of stickers?
4 m
Level 2
Look at the picture graph.
This graph shows the number of postcards 4 children have.
  1. Dora has 3 postcards more than Mel. How many postcards does Dora have?
  2. Fen has 2 postcards less than Jim. How many postcards does Fen draw?
  3. How many postcard do the 4 children have altogether?
4 m