Level 3
Gem bought 7 novels of the same kind during a sale. Tina bought 3 of the same books. She also bought 3 postcards at $4.10 each. Altogether, she spent $3.10 more than Gem. What was the amount Tina spent?
3 m
Level 2
Nelly has $78 less than Sandy. Patrick has $59 more than the total amount that Nelly and Sandy have. If Patrick has $523 more than Nelly, how much money does Patrick have?
2 m
Level 3
There were 4 more girls than boys in the classroom. Excluding 2 boys, the number of boys was 56 of the number of girls. When another 4 girls joined, what fraction of the pupils were girls? Give the answer in its simplest form.
3 m
Level 3
A car is travelling from Town A to Town B. At 60 km/h, it will arrive four hours later than the scheduled time. At 70 km/h, it will arrive at two hours later than the scheduled time. What is the distance between Town A and Town B?
3 m
Level 3
Pierre had $77.70 more than Henry. After Henry had spent 23 of his money, Pierre had $114.50 more than Henry. How much money did Pierre have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Henry had to paint some cartons. On the first day, the number of cartons he painted was 40% of the number of cartons that he had not painted. One week later, he painted another 100 cartons. As a result, the total number of painted cartons became 28 more than 12 of the total number of cartons. How many more cartons were unpainted than painted on the first day?
4 m
Level 2
After using 17 of her sugar, Mrs Lim bought another 75 kg of sugar. As a result, Mrs Lim now has 97 as much sugar as what she had at first. How many kilograms of sugar did Mrs Lim have at first?
3 m
Level 3
At a zoo, there were 35 as many adults as children at first. After 46 adults left, there were 116 more children than adults remaining at a zoo. How many adults were at the zoo at first?
3 m
Level 3
Janet had some pencils, erasers and rulers. The ratio of the number of pencils to the number of erasers was 5 : 1. After giving away 16 erasers, the ratio of the number of rulers to the number of erasers was 4 : 1. Janet bought another 184 rulers. As a result, there were an equal number of pencils and rulers. How many erasers did she have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Adam has some blue stickers and red stickers.
If 50 blue stickers are added, 70% of the stickers will be red stickers.
If 200 blue stickers are added, 40% of the stickers will be red stickers.
  1. How many blue stickers are there?
  2. How many red stickers are there?
4 m