Level 3
34 of a number is 30 more than 12 of the number.
Find the number.
2 m
Level 2
The figure consists of 2 squares X and Y overlapping each other. The ratio of the area of Square X to the area of Square Y is 3 : 8. Given that 14 of Y is shaded, what is the ratio of the shaded part to the area of the figure?
2 m
Level 3
12 of a number is 30 less than 56 of the number.
Find the number.
2 m
Level 2
The figure is not drawn to scale. It shows 2 identical squares. 14 of a square overlaps with the other. What is the ratio of the overlapping area to the total area of the figure?
2 m
Level 2
At a concert, 60% of the audience were children. There were 7 times as many men as women. What percentage of the audience were men?
2 m