Level 3
What is the shortest length which can be divided into 2 cm, 4 cm or 8 cm portions without any remainder?
4 m
Level 3
Study the pictures. Answer the following.
  1. Arrange the containers from smallest to the greatest volume?
  2. How many glasses of water can the 4 containers hold in all?
4 m
Level 3
Alyson, Clara and Joyce were each given a piece of string of equal length. Alyson cut hers into equal lengths of 2 m, Clara cut hers into equal lengths of 3 m, and Joyce cut hers into equal lengths of 5 m. If there were no remainder in each case, find the shortest length of string given to each of them.
4 m
Level 3
Gerald bought bottles of apple juice, orange juice and lemon juice of 250 mℓ, 300 mℓ and 500 mℓ respectively. He wanted to have equal amount of each type of juice. What is the least number of bottles he must buy for
  1. apple,
  2. orange,
  3. lemon?
4 m
Level 3
Mr Lim has some pencils. If he ties them in bundles of 6, he will have 5 extra pencils. If he ties them in bundles of 5, he would be short of 3 pencils. What is the smallest possible number of pencils Mr Lim has?
4 m