Level 3
78, 45, 83, 67, 55
Use the numbers to fill in the blanks.
  1. The greatest number is _____
  2. The smallest number is _____
  3. ______and _____are greater than 78
4 m
Level 2
Mrs Goh had a sum of money. She could either buy 32 chocolates or 24 sweets. Given that she had already bought 12 chocolates and 9 sweets, how many more chocolates could she buy?
4 m
Level 3
Julie bought 14 kg of flour. She packed them into 4 packets. Each packet had the same mass.
  1. What is the maximum mass of each packet of rice?
  2. How many kilograms of rice were left?
4 m
Level 3
Which two numbers will give the greatest answer when they are subtracted?
453, 865, 548, 857
4 m
Level 3
Study the picture.
  1. What container contains the most amount of water?
  2. How many more bottles does the pail contain than the pitcher?
  3. If each bottle contains 2 ℓ, how many litres does the pail has?
  4. How many ℓ does the pail and pitcher have?
4 m