Level 3
Leela is 18 years old. In 3 years' time, she will be as old as Andrew now. How old will she be when Andrew is 30 years old?
4 m
Level 4
Carla counted the wheels of the cars and bicycles which passed by her while she was waiting for a bus. By the time she counted 38 wheels. How many possibilities are there of each type of vehicles that could have passed by her?
4 m
Level 3
In a restaurant, a rectangular table can seat 10 persons and a round table can seat 5 persons. During lunch time, all the tables in the restaurant were occupied. The number of each type of table in the restaurant is more than 10 and less than 15. If there were 205 customers, how many tables of each type were there for them?
(a) Round tables
(b) Rectangular tables
4 m
Level 3
Jim is 30 years old. His daughter is 17 years younger than he. What will their total age be in 8 years' time?
4 m
Level 2
The total age of Ali and Ben is 78 years this year. In how many years' time will their total age be 90 years?
4 m