Level 3
Patricia collected 120 foreign stamps and 80 local stamps. She gave 40% of the foreign stamps and 15% of the local stamps to Jack.
  1. How many stamps did Jack receive in all?
  2. What percentage of the stamps that Jack received were foreign stamps?
3 m
Level 3
Ryan owned two shops selling milk tea. Shop A earned 40% more money than Shop B on Monday. On Tuesday, Shop A lost $110 while Shop B earned another $150. In the end, Shop B contributed to 58 of the total earnings of the two shops over the two days operation. How much did Shop A earn over the two days?
4 m
Level 3
Adam has some blue stickers and red stickers.
If 300 blue stickers are removed, 25% of the stickers will be blue stickers.
If 200 red stickers are removed, 20% of the stickers will be red stickers.
  1. How many blue stickers are there?
  2. How many red stickers are there?
4 m
Level 3
Betty, Xuan and Ruth had a total of 1552 pens. Betty gave 13 of her pens away. Ruth gave away 5 times as many pens as Betty and Xuan gave away 267 pens. In the end, they had 523 pens left. How many pens did Xuan and Ruth have in total in the end?
4 m
Level 3
In October, the ratio of boys and girls in a school's rifle club was 4 : 7. In November, 68 new members joined the club. As a result, the ratio of boys to girls in the club became 4 : 3. There were 64 boys in the club in October. How many of the new members were girls?
4 m
Level 3
Adam has some blue stickers and red stickers.
If 100 blue stickers are removed, 75% of the stickers will be blue stickers.
If 500 red stickers are added, 20% of the stickers will be blue stickers.
  1. How many blue stickers are there?
  2. How many red stickers are there?
4 m
Level 3
In a pouch of notes, the number of $2, $5 and $10 are in ratio of 5 : 4 : 6. 15 of the $2-notes and 15 $5-notes are taken out. The remaining notes are worth $541. Find the difference between the value of $10-notes and $2-notes in the end.
4 m
Level 3
Eli had 60 red beads and 40 green beads. Eli gave away 30% of her red beads and 55% of her green beads. What percentage of her beads left was green?
3 m
Level 3
A fruit seller had apples and durians. The ratio of apples to durians was 5 : 3. After 34 of the apples and 38 durians were sold, there were 2 times as many apples as durians left. How many apples and durians were there at first?
4 m
Level 3
Shiyun, Kimberly and Yoko had jelly beans in the ratio of 8 : 4 : 3. After Shiyun gave 6 jelly beans to Kimberly and Yoko, the three of them had the same number of jelly beans. Find the total number of jelly beans the children had.
4 m