Level 2
Adam has some stickers.
He gives 35 of the stickers to Bryan
and has 20 stickers left.
How many stickers does Adam have at first?
2 m
Level 2
8 people paid $8.40 for a meal each. How much change was there from $100?
2 m
Level 2
Adam has $500.
He gives away 25 of his money.
How much money has he left?
2 m
Level 2
Adam uses 300 mℓ of milk to make a drink.
It is 310 of the bottle of milk.
Give the answers in mℓ .
  1. How much milk does the bottle contain at first?
  2. How much milk is left?
3 m
Level 3
In a school, 35 of the students are in Class A.
40 students are in Class B.
60 students are in Class C.
How many students are in Class A?
3 m