Level 3
The sum of two numbers is 48. The greater number is thrice the smaller number.
  1. What is the smaller number?
  2. What is the greater number?
4 m
Level 3
The figure is a square that is made up of 3 identical rectangles. The square has an area of 36 cm2. Find the perimeter of the shaded rectangle.
4 m
Level 3
Fion used 47 of the flour to bake a cake. She used 14 of the remaining flour to bake some muffins. Given that Fion was left with 450 g of flour, how much flour did she have at first?
4 m
Level 3
The figure consists of two overlapping squares ABCD and DEFG. H is the 15 mark of the sides, AB and FG. Express the shaded area as a fraction of the total unshaded area. (Give your answer in the simplest form.)
4 m
Level 3
Serena used 25 of the flour and an additional 50 g to bake some cake. She used 14 of the remaining flour to bake some muffins. Given that Serena was left with 156 g of flour, how much flour did she have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Jessa, Tessa and Titus shared some cookies. Jessa took 6 more than 14 of the cookies. Tessa took 2 more than 23 of the rest of the cookies. Titus took the last 12 cookies. How many cookies did Tessa take?
4 m
Level 3
Serena used 25 of the flour and an additional 50 g to bake some cake. She used 14 of the remaining flour and an additional 24 g to bake some muffins. Given that Serena was left with 168 g of flour, how much flour did she have at first?
4 m
Level 3
Ray left City B for City A at 07 30. Lindy left City B for City C at the same time. At 10 30, they were 480 km apart. Both maintained a constant speed and reached their destination at the same time at 12 00 h.
  1. Find the distance between Cities A and C.
  2. If Lindy's speed was 35 the speed of Fred, find Ray's speed.
5 m
Level 3
In a class, 14 of the students and an additional 3 boys like basketball. 13 of the remaining students in the class less 3 students like badminton and the rest of the 25 students in the class like rugby. How many students are there in the class?
4 m
Level 3
When 34 of a bottle is filled with milk, it weighs 890 g. When the bottle is half-filled with milk, it weighs 745 g. Find the mass of the empty bottle.
4 m