Level 1
Study the picture. Which set has more cherries?
Set 1 or Set 2
Give the answer in number. (Eg 1)
1 m
Level 3
7 p - 5 u = 45
2 p - 3 u = 5

Find the following values.
  1. 1 u
  2. 1 p
3 m
Level 2
The number of red and blue stickers are equal.
If Adam gives away 40 red stickers and 10 blue stickers,
the ratio of red stickers to blue stickers becomes 2 : 5.
How many stickers are there at first?
3 m
Level 2
A group of children is standing in a straight line. Jane is the 5th from the left. She is also the 9th from the right. How many children are standing in the line?
2 m
Level 2
The length of cube A is 3 times the length of cube B. Find the ratio of the volume of cube A to cube B.
2 m