Level 3
The sum of a smaller number and a bigger number is 268. When the bigger number is divided by the smaller number, the quotient is 3 with the remainder 4. Find the two numbers.
  1. Smaller number
  2. Bigger number
4 m
Level 3
Min withdrew $420 from the bank. She spent 12 of the money on a portable air-conditioner and 19 of the remaining money on a lamp. She then spent the rest of her money on 5 similar dresses. How much did she pay for each dress?
4 m
Level 3
Mr Lee had some chicken wings. He ate 13 of them on Monday and 12 of the remainder on Tuesday. He bought another 10 chicken wings and then he had as many chicken wings as he had at first. How many chicken wings had he at first?
4 m
Level 3
213 of the fruit at a fruit stall are mangoes. 411 of the remainder are apples. The rest are pears and oranges. If there are 72 pears and 82 oranges, find the total number of fruits at the stall.
4 m
Level 3
There are 1500 English books in a library. 35 of the books are novels. 34 of the remaining books are comics. The rest of the books are textbooks. How many textbooks are there in the library?
4 m
Level 3
The figure is made up of identical rectangles. The length of the rectangle is twice of its breadth. The area of the figure is 256 cm2. What is the perimeter of the figure?
4 m
Level 3
35 of the number of boys in the school is equal to 34 of the number of girls in the school. There are 600 girls. What is the total enrolment of the school?
4 m
Level 3
27 of the Tom's mass is equal to 15 of Sam's mass. If Sam has a mass of 60 kg, what is Tom's mass?
4 m
Level 3
There is a total of 48 coats and skirts in a mall.
12 of the coats is equal to 14 of the skirts. How many more skirts than coats are there?
4 m
Level 3
140 adults are working in a factory. 35 of the women is equal to 13 of the men. How many more men than women are there?
4 m