Level 3
Tank A measuring 54 cm by 14 cm by 25 cm contains 4.7 ℓ of water. It is being filled with water flowing from Tap X at 0.9ℓ/min and Tap Y at 995 mℓ/min. Both taps are turned on at the same time. How long does it take to fill up Tank A till it is 75% full? Correct the answer to 1 decimal place.
3 m
Level 2
Find the area of the following figure which is made up of 6 identical triangles.
2 m
Level 3
The diagram shows the mass of two identical boxes with objects A and B placed in them respectively.
  1. Given that object B is three times as heavy as object A, find the mass of object A.
  2. Find the mass of an empty box. Express your answer in grams.
3 m
Level 1
Estimate the product of 35972 and 63 by first rounding off the bigger number to the nearest thousand and the smaller number to the nearest ten.
2 m
Level 2
In the number 'sixteen hundred and fifty tens' the value of the digit in the thousands place is         more than the digit in the hundred place.
2 m