Level 3
A coach driver drove the first 4 h of a journey at an average speed 64 km/h. Driving at an average speed of 90 km/h, he then took another 5 h to complete his remaining journey. Find his average speed for the whole journey. Give the answer in mixed number.
3 m
Level 3
Loisa left the house at 11.30 a.m. and drove towards her office. 1 hour later, her brother left house and drove towards the same office at 76 km/h. When the brother reached the office at 3.30 p.m., Loisa had another 3 km to travel. What was Loisa's average speed? Express the answer in mixed number.
3 m
Level 3
Mrs Tan left home at 9 a.m. and drove towards the city. 1 13 hour later, Mrs Tan left the house and drove at an average speed of 100 km/h towards the city. When Mrs Tan reached his destination at 1 p.m., Mrs Tan was 20 km away from the city. Find Mrs Tan's average speed in km/h. Express the answer in mixed number.
3 m
Level 3
At 10 a.m., Mrs Leng used two taps to fill up a tank. Tap A could fill the tank in 4 h. Tap B could fill the tank in 3 h. 1 hour after both taps were turned on, Tap B was faulty and stopped working. Mrs Leng accidentally opened Tap C which could drain a full tank completely in 2 h. Instead of being filled, the tank was emptied. How long did it take for the tank to be completely empty? Express your answer in mixed number.
4 m
Level 2
An empty box has a mass of 23 kg. When it is filled with some toys, it has a mass of 3 kg. What is the mass of the toys in mixed number?
3 m