Level 2
Adam and Bryan have some stickers in the ratio of 1 : 2.
When Bryan gives Adam 40 stickers, the ratio of the stickers becomes 3 : 4.
How many stickers do they have all the end?
3 m
Level 3
Adam, Bryan and Chris have some stickers in the ratio of 10 : 3 : 5.
Adam gives Bryan and Chris a total of 40 stickers.
Now they have same number of stickers.
  1. What is the total number of stickers that they have?
  2. What is the number of stickers that Adam gives to Bryan?
  3. What is the number of stickers that Adam gives to Chris?
3 m
Level 3
Sean and Jack have some money. If Sean gives $293 to Jack, the ratio of their money will be 3 : 5. If Sean gives $424 to Jack, the ratio of their money will be 1: 3. How much does Sean have?
3 m
Level 3
Ethan and Ian share a sum of money. Ethan receives $2400. If Ethan gets $105 less, the amount of money Ian gets will increase by 35%. Find the sum of money that the boys share.
3 m
Level 2
Anna's money is 34 of Samantha's money. Samantha gives 12 of her money to Anna. Express Anna's money as a fraction of Samantha's money after Anna received the money from Samantha. (Give your answer as a mixed number.)
2 m