Level 3
Recca took 5 hours to travel from Country A to Country B at 60 km/h. Then he travelled from Country B to another country at 1.5 times his original speed. 40% of the distance from Country A to Country B is equal to 13 of the distance from Country B to the next country. Find the average speed for the whole journey and express it in mixed number.
5 m
Level 3
The average number of boys in 1A, 1B and 1C is 18. This is 4 more than the average number of girls in the 3 rooms. 27 of the total number of girls are in 1C. 32 of the number of girls in 1B is the same as 37 of the total number of girls in the 3 rooms. What fraction of the total number of boys in the 3 rooms is in 1A if there are 40 pupils in 1A?
5 m