Level 3
Adam has 300 stickers in 3 colours.
40% of the stickers are blue.
The rest are red and yellow stickers in the ratio 2 : 3.
  1. What percentage of the stickers are yellow?
  2. How many red stickers are there?
3 m
Level 3
In a school, there is a total of 400 people.
30% are adults.
The rest are children.
The number of boys and girls is in the ratio of 2 : 5.
  1. What percentage of the people are boys?
  2. How many girls are there?
3 m
Level 3
In a school, there is a total of 400 people.
30% are adults.
The rest are children.
The number of boys and girls is in the ratio of 5 : 9.
  1. What percentage of the people are boys?
  2. How many girls are there?
3 m
Level 3
60% of the sweets in Packet A were blueberry sweets and the rest were strawberry sweets. Packet B had 25% more blueberry sweets than packet A and twice as many sweets than the total number of sweets in Packet A. Find the percentage of the strawberry sweets in Packet B that would need to be transferred into Packet A, so that there were an equal number of blueberry and strawberry sweets in Packet A.
4 m
Level 3 PSLE
Mr Devon bought an humidifier for $216 after a discount of 25%.
  1. What was the price of the humidifier before discount?
  2. He paid $128 for a fan. The total discount for the humidifier and fan was $104. What was the percentage discount given for the fan?
5 m